The Dying ZOG and the fight for Adamic White Survival during the Collapse!#comment-1826474

I’ve been in what is known as “the Movement” or “Our Thing since the rebuild after the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial of 1987-88. The “Old Resistance was a grouping /network of those who knew each other of Klansmen / Neo-Nazis and Christian Identity before ZOG decided to end the Movement by criminal lawfare after the Order was hunted down and the armored car money was given to “Fearless Leader” William Pierce to make an Elohin Shitty for CreaTards and Ozark Paramilitaries were raided. The Order was always split between the pagans lead by David Lane and the Christian Identity lead by Bruce Pierce after Robert Matthews was killed. What was believable is that all 30 defendants wanted to overthrow ZOG but no more than five could ever work together, much less “conspire” to overthrow ZOG.

What those who came before Ft. Smith did was to turn the Klan from Primitive Babtist to Christian Identity in religion, reconcile the White Supremacist Klan to the Neo-Nazis through George Lincoln Rockwell and Louis Beam and move through the corruption of David Duke from White Supremacy to White Nationalism using the Internet which became popular through the first graphic browser of Netscape 1.0 in 1994 and Windows 95 in 1995.

David Duke by his sole interest in money and pussy and selling the names and addresses of Klansmen decided to claim to be a White Nationalist instead of a Klan Wizard and got his servant Don Black to set up Stormfront — which used to be a web page.

Another thing which changed our Movement /Thing was the Internet. Before the IBM PC there were BBS which were 300 baud. With the IBM and Windows 3.0 it was for a short period the Fax modem of 14.400 baud. Then the e-mail collector, then the free e-groups which became yahoo groups from 1997-2003. StormFront andf then VNNF used the v-bulletin 2.x and 3.x from 2003-2013 which was the place for whigger posting. After 2013-2023 it was the turn for the wordpress blog. Today the cutting edge is Substack with Twatter and Gab behind. Each of these platforms had theys day and adherents. Audio podcasting, especially for Christian Identity content had Talkshoe until it was sold. Harold Covington had a paper newsletter, a podcast, and used Facebook and his blogger pages to make a living until his death in 2018.

Our Movement/Thing has never been anything other than a network of competing factions all of whom know each other and largely loathe each other thinking, usually correctly, that they are ZOGbots entrapping ZOGtards.

For example in 2003 Katja Lsne who was David Lane’s wife and conduit past Florence SuperMax was persecuted by an Idaho Sheriff so she sold her David Lane stuff to Billy Roper and moved to Secaucus and Billy Roper, probably an Arkansas FiBbIe Klansman was touring with Pastor Butler of the Aryan Nations on the 2003-2004 “See Pastor Butler before he croaks tour”. So knowing Louis Beam who introduced me to David and Katja Lane just before the Timothy McVeigh trial in 1996 because I was running two militia groups in Missouri and agreeing to spy on TraitorGlenn Miller after he ran out of my office in July 2000, the Christian Identity and Order partisans put pressure on Billy Roper to make jewboy Linder kick TraitorGlenn Miller off of VNN, thus the “Christmas Coup of 2004. Upon TraitorGlenn Miller buying server space and v-bulletin license a bunch of us were kicked off VNN/TGMNNF and so we were the First Wave of “VNNF Boat Pisspul” on Bi-Polar Bradifer/Cunthair Walrus’ phorafags/feebs. I asked for and got the very first jewlag/tard corral on phorafags/feebs to fight with TraitorGlenn Miller. Anyways the phorafags/feebbs got mad at BiPolar Bradifer’s taking down phorafags/feebs, so they bought server space and a v-bulletin license and with they’s pirated database set up theys’ own phorafags/feebs and kicked Flake the Bitcher out on his fat ass.

TraitorGlenn Miller got along fine on Rabbi Linders Virtual Colostomy Bag for the next decade until he arranged to gun down three mongrels in the parking lot of a Kansas Old kike’s home and then lived another 8 years on Kansas Death Row when his liver and lungs caught a break because the drunken Lumbee Melungeon wasn’t allowed to drink or smoke in jail.

So the period before the Ft. Smith Sedition trial of 1987-88 was White Supremacy from post WW2 to then along with the Order seeding Pierce, TraitorGlenn Miller, etc. Netscape 1.0 and Windows 95 allowed David Duck to form White Nationalism for ZOGbots to entrap ZOGtards until the Alt-kike cum about to tell whiggers that they had “CONstipational rights” to show theys asses to the forces of ZOG which has lead to today’s White Nationalist “keaders” alassing about the death of ZOG — and of whiggers.

After the Ft. Smith Sedition Trial Louis Beam wrote “Leaderless Resistance” in which “Lone Tards gun down sundry niggers and jews without it having any political relevance whatsoever — other than what is politcalized. It has largely been illegal to gun down negroes and jews, or knock off armored cars, or kill jew pornographers and so that portion of our Movement hasn’t sought the spotlight. yet ZOG is falling and it cannot get up, especially given new Chinese and Russian Imperialists seeking a new multi-imperial world. The ZOGbuk is becoming weaker and soon ZOG will face domestic terrorism and imperial collapse. Mistaking the end of ZOG and the end of the ZOGling whigger race seems to be all so-called White Nationalism 3.x is about right now. Finding a jew or nigger or beaner catlik to lead Whigger Nationalism of whatever version is not valid  racial survival strategy given that White Nationalism is nothing but a scam dreamed up in 1995 by the Duck to get money and pussy after being kicked out of the Klan for selling Klan names and addresses for fun and profit. All Alt-kike/WN2 did was to get ZOGtards located by ZOG for destruction. Time to give up the scam and to do whatever we want on our own fiefdoms.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri’

LibberToon Candidate for Eastern District County Commissioner

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